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The Wonder of a Photo

Posted on 01/19/2011 by Sam Melden in Just for Fun

When I got to the office today I made my standard tour of the sites I like to visit. Several Ag-related blogs I enjoy reading, a few news pages, and of course a few social media news sources. In today’s tour I came across this article that Mashable posted last night.

A few days ago a guy in Brooklyn posted a video about a new adventure he is in, all surrounding a roll of film. As I watched I was reminded, in a very distinct way, of the wonder that is held in a roll of film. Todd, in the video, seeing these images for the first time, is left to fill in the details. It is up to him to develop the stories and backstories of these images. And it made me realize, again, all that is captured in a single photo, a single roll.

Our archive has 700,000 rolls similar to this one in their mystery. All containing close to 40 images of peoples personal histories. What an amazing collection of stories and wonder. Ok, take a look at the video…

So, while the video is good, we are all left wondering… what is the real story? What were those people doing? Who took those pictures and why? After all it is fun to hear someone make a guess, but it’s better to know the real stories. In a very real way, we here at Vintage Aerial share with Todd’s sense of adventure. We have millions upon millions of images, each telling its own story. But we can’t do it on our own. We need people to find their photo, we need people to share their stories and ours. We need your help to truly capture the story, the wonder contained in a photo. Click here to start your own adventure. Explore.

Visitor Comments

That was such a GREAT video!! As I looked at each of the photos that were found on that roll of film, it reminded me of the unique stories that are behind every photo in Vintage Aerial's library. That is one of the things I am enjoying most about being a librarian for Vintage Aerial..the stories! The photos bring back so many memories for people..may I share a humorous one I heard this week?
I found a photo of a beautiful farm for a man, and I was going thru my presentation and got to the point of sharing the frames and sizes of our portraits. When I started to say the sizes the man just started laughing and laughing!! I thought maybe he was laughing at what we were offering and then he explained. He told me years ago (1969) when he was a small boy, a friend who lived nearby was a pilot. The friend called up this mans mother and said.."I was out flying in my plane the other day and I shot a picture of your farm. I would like to have a photo of it made for you, what size would you like?" His mother was thrilled and expressed that she thought a 4x8 would be fine. About a week later the friend pulled into their driveway with something strapped to the outside of his car. It was a 4 FOOT by 8 FOOT photo of their farm!! The man now has that large photo hanging on the wall in his office, and that was the memory he was laughing over as he looked at our photo of his property and heard the word "Sizes"!
Such fond memories behind each and every Vintage Aerial photo!

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